CHW Resource of the Month (February 2022)

Jan 31, 2022 |

February 1st marks the start of Black History Month!

To celebrate, we are offering a 50% discount on our course "A Taste of African Heritage Curriculum Training for CHWs"

A Taste of African Heritage (ATOAH) is a 6-week cooking curriculum that teaches history, nutrition, and cooking techniques that reconnect participants with the vibrant, healthy traditions of the African Diaspora. A Taste of African Heritage Curriculum Training for CHWs is the only curriculum approved to trains CHWs and CHW Instructors to deliver and evaluate the evidenced-based, culturally competent nutrition education program. 

The African Heritage Diet is an evidenced-based program development by Oldways, a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving public health by inspiring individuals and organizations to embrace the healthy, sustainable joys of the “old ways” of eating—heritage-based diets high in taste, nourishment, sustainability, and joy. By the end of this course, the CHW will be able to: 

  • Compare and contrast traditional African heritage eating patterns to modern eating and lifestyle patterns
  • Demonstrate understanding of the “A Taste of African Heritage” eating model based on the traditional diets of the African Diaspora
  • Explain which conditions African Americans are likely to suffer disproportionately from
  • Describe key features of the traditional African Heritage diet that contribute to good health
  • Verbalize considerations for tailoring culturally appropriate education using adult learning principles

This training is approved for 5.0 Certified CEs for Community Health Workers and Community Health Worker Instructors by the Texas Department of State Health Services. 

Use discount code "BLACKHXMONTH" to get the course for 50% off! Enroll today!


At Umemba Health Academy, our mission is to elevate the multidimensional skillset of the front-line workforce through competency-based instruction. Our interactive and engaging virtual training programs allow learners to quickly achieve results that are easily replicated in the real world. To learn more about our certification and continuing education programs, visit